Healthy Workplace

M31 has been dedicated to maintaining the employees’ physical and mental health as well as the working environment. We have also drawn up plans for occupational safety and health, building safety, and fire safety in accordance with the government’s related laws and regulations. New employees are provided with education and training in order to give them a full understanding of the Company’s workplace health promotion policies. Promotional courses are also provided for existing employees annually to keep them sharp.

We implement core workplace health promotion policies throughout the organization and across employees at all levels and set annual goals through the PDCA cycle, listen to the needs of every employee, and pay attention to their health needs, thereby building a friendly, safe and healthy workplace.

M31’s implementation guidelines for environmental safety and health, building and fire safety management and public facilities are described below:

  • Conduct a first safety equipment inspection every year in accordance with first safety laws and regulations.
  • Conduct a building public safety inspection every two years in accordance with building public safety laws and regulations.
  • Conduct a safety inspection every year in accordance with public facilitates laws and regulations.
  • Take out commercial fire insurance and public liability insurance to ensure the safety of employees’ working environment.
  • Provide safety and health education and training in accordance with occupational safety and health laws and regulations.
  • Organize “fire safety awareness” courses annually.
  • Bear all premiums for occupational accident insurance to ensure employees’ safety.
  • Make sure that the security system in the office is on 24/7 to control personnel access, ensuring the safety of employees’ working environment.
  • Promote four programs under the Occupational Safety and Health Act: [Prevention Plan against disorders triggered by abnormal workloads, Artificial Hazard prevention plan, Maternal Health Protection Plan and Prevention plan against illegitimate infringement while performing duties at work].
  • Regularly arrange employee health checkups and provide health checkup report consultations with physicians.
  • Offer on-site stress relief massage services provided by visually-impaired massage therapists.
  • Offer on-site clinical staff health consultations.
  • Organize various health promotion activities [e.g., holding weight loss contests and founding health promotion clubs (such as a yoga club)].
  • Provide mental health care [e.g., stress relief lectures and career breaks].
  • Implement first aid and emergency response measures [training first-aiders and having AEDs in the building].
  • Other important matters concerning workplace health.