
M31 Technology Employees Join Hands to Share Love: Warm Christmas Blessings for Children with Early Intervention

In this Christmas season full of love and care, M31 Technology’s volunteers brought warm gifts from colleagues and embarked on a journey to the “Syin-Lu Social Welfare Foundation,” delivering Christmas blessings to the children of Syin-Lu.

These lovely children often face many challenges in their daily lives due to their special needs. As volunteer partners, we hope to bring a different feeling to the parents and teachers who care for these children through this event, and let these children feel full of love and support on their journey of growth.

Each gift not only represents the care of M31 Technology employees for the children in early intervention but also the support behind the growth of these children.

“A Colleague: Represents Abundant Love; A Gift: Signifies Boundless Care”

M31 Technology presents love gifts to the children of Syin-Lu (Photo/ M31Technology)
M31 Technology presents love gifts to the children of Syin-Lu (Photo/ M31Technology)
M31 Technology participated in the Syin-Lu Christmas gift-giving event, taking a group photo with Syin-Lu children and teachers.  (Photo/Facebook Fan Page: 心路˙新竹X天天好日記)
Certificate of Appreciation by Syin-Lu Social Welfare Foundation