Issues of Stakeholders’ Concern and Communication Channels

By building smooth stakeholder communication channels, we attentively listen and actively respond to all stakeholders’ needs.

Stakeholder Issues of Concern Communication Channels and Response Methods 2023 Communication Results
  • Supply Chain Sustainability
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Information Security
  • Customer Service
  • Innovation and R&D
  • Ethics and Integrity
  • Financial Performance
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Risk Management
  • Waste Management
  • Energy Management
  • Human Rights Policy
  • Climate Change Response
  • Water Resource Management
Customer Phone/Email (Daily/Irregular)
Customer Satisfaction Survey (Annually/Per Case)
Customer Online Feedback System (Irregular)
Quality Meetings (Irregular)
Customer Visits (Irregular)
Customer Meetings (Irregular)
Customer Audits (Irregular)

Business Service section (
  • Annual satisfaction survey communications: 15 cases
  • VIP customer annual communications: 5 cases
  • Ethics and Integrity
  • Economic Performance
  • Labor Relations Talent
  • Development and Retention
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Innovation and R&D
  • Human Rights Policy
Department Meetings (Irregular)
Employee Symposium (Quarterly)
Education andTraining (Irregular)
Performance Interviews (Semi-annual)
Suggestion Box/Electronic Bulletin Board (Irregular)
Employee Complaint Mailbox (Irregular)

Ethics section
( /
  • Labor-Management Meetings: 4 times
  • Welfare Committee Meetings: 4 times
  • Internal Announcements: 116 times
Government Agencies
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Information security
  • Ethics and integrity
  • Corporate governance
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Energy management
  • Waste management
  • Social engagement
  • Climate change adaptation
Public announcements via Public Information Observation Station (Irregular)
Correspondence (Irregular)
Various meetings (Irregular)
Relevant statistical surveys from government agencies such as the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Ministry of Labor, and Financial Supervisory Commission (Irregular)

Ethics section ( /
  • Material information announcements on the Public Information Observation Station: 45 times
  • Corporate governance evaluation: 1 time
  • Annual fire inspection: 1 time
  • Correspondence (paper-based) communication: 82 times
  • Consensus meetings: 9 times
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Ethics and integrity
  • Financial performance
  • Risk management
Annual general meeting
Quarterly corporate briefings or investor forums (per quarter)
Meetings with investment institutions or brokerages (Irregular)
Shareholder calls/emails (Irregular)
Information dissemination through Public Information Observation Station and company website (Irregular)

Investor relations and shareholder service section (
  • Material information announcements on the Public Information Observation Station: 45 times
  • Annual general shareholder meeting: 1 time
  • Earnings conference: 5 times
  • Supply chain sustainability
  • Energy management
  • Innovation and R&D
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Financial performance
  • Information security
Telephone/email communication (Irregular)
Supplier audits (Irregular)
Complaint channels (Irregular)

Ethics section (
  • Annual supplier audits communications: 17 companies
  • New supplier audit communications: 8 companies
  • Economic performance
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Energy management
  • Social engagement
  • Climate change adaptation
Bank visits (Irregular)
Bank information provision (Irregular)

Investor relations and shareholder service section (
  • Annual communications: 8 times
  • Local community
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Energy management
  • Waste management
  • Water resource management
Corporate volunteer services
Participation in charitable activities
Social care and donations

ESG section (
  • Media communications: 11 times
  • Public welfare activities: 30

Stakeholder Contact Information

For continuous communication with the stakeholders, they may contact us in any of the following ways

Stakeholder Concerns and Communication Performance

The Company makes a summary report to the Board of Directors once a year. The reports made to the Board of Directors in the most recent two years dated as follows:

  • August 3, 2023
  • November 3, 2022